Advanced Asset Management
Advanced Asset Management & Portfolio Optimization
It is an advanced course in asset management (theory and applications). The course
is given at the University of Evry/Paris-Saclay.
Portfolio Optimization
Risk Budgeting
Smart Beta, Factor Investing and Alternative Risk Premia
ESG Investing & Climate Risk: Portfolio Allocation with ESG and Green Preferences
Machine Learning in Asset Management
Textbook: Roncalli, T. (2013), Introduction to Risk Parity and Budgeting , Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series
Download the Presentation Slides on Asset Management
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Lecture 1 (Portfolio Optimization)
Lecture 2 (Risk Budgeting)
Lecture 3 (Smart Beta, Factor Investing and Alternative Risk Premia)
Lecture 4 (Equity Portfolio Optimization with ESG Scores)
Lecture 5 (Climate Portfolio Construction)
Lecture 6 (Equity and Bond Portfolio Optimization with Green Preferences)
Lecture 7 (Machine Learning in Asset Management)
Download the Merged PDF File of the 7 lectures
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2014 ,
2015 ,
2016 ,
2017 ,
2018 ,
2019 ,
2020 ,
2021 ,
2022 ,
2023 ,
2024 ,
2025 .
Portfolio optimization
Bourgeron, T., Lezmi, E., and Roncalli, T. (2018),
Robust Asset Allocation for Robo-Advisors, arXiv,
Roncalli, T. (2013), Introduction to Risk Parity and Budgeting , Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series
Risk Budgeting
Jurczenko, E. (2015), Risk-Based and Factor Investing, ISTE Press - Elsevier
Roncalli, T. (2013), Introduction to Risk Parity and Budgeting , Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series
Roncalli, T. (2015), Introducing Expected Returns into Risk Parity Portfolios: A New Framework for Asset Allocation,
Bankers, Markets & Investors, 138,
Smart Beta, Factor Investing and Alternative Risk Premia
Ang, A. (2014), Asset Management - A Systematic Approach to Factor Investing, Oxford University Press
Fama, E.F., and French, K.R. (1992),
The Cross-Section of Expected Stock Returns ,
Journal of Finance, 47(2), pp. 427-465.
Hamdan, R., Pavlowsky F., Roncalli, T., and Zheng, B. (2016), A Primer on Alternative Risk Premia, SSRN,
Jusselin, P., Lezmi, E., Malongo, H., Masselin, C, Roncalli, T., and Dao, T-L. (2017),
Understanding the Momentum Risk Premium: An In-Depth Journey Through Trend-Following Strategies, SSRN,
Koijen, R.S.J., Moskowitz, T.J., Pedersen, L.H., and Vrugt, E.B. (2018),
Carry, Journal of Financial Economics, 127(2), pp. 197-225,
NBER version
Roncalli, T. (2013), Introduction to Risk Parity and Budgeting , Chapman & Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series
Roncalli, T. (2017), Alternative Risk Premia: What Do We Know?, Chapter 10 of the book Factor Investing: From Traditional to Alternative Risk Premia,
Green and Sustainable Finance, ESG Investing and Climate Risk
Bennani, L., Le Guenedal, T, Lepetit, F., Ly, L., Mortier, V., Roncalli, T., and Sekine T. (2018),
How ESG Investing Has Impacted the Asset Pricing in the Equity Market, SSRN,
Ben Slimane, M., Brard, E., Le Guenedal, T, Roncalli, T., and Sekine T. (2020),
ESG Investing in Fixed Income: It's Time To Cross the Rubicon, SSRN,
Drei, A., Le Guenedal, T, Lepetit, F., Mortier, V., Roncalli, T., and Sekine T. (2020),
ESG Investing in Recent Years: New Insights from Old Challenges, SSRN,
Eurosif (2019), European SRI Study 2018,
Le Guenedal, T. (2019), Economic Modeling of Climate Risks, SSRN,
Roncalli, T., Le Guenedal, T., Lepetit, F., Roncalli, T., and Sekine, T. (2020),
Measuring and Managing Carbon Risk in Investment Portfolios, SSRN,
Machine Learning in Asset Management
Beck, A. (2017), First-Order Methods in Optimization,
MOS-SIAM Series on Optimization ,
25, SIAM
Boyd, S., Parikh, N., Chu, E., Peleato, B., and Eckstein, J. (2011),
Distributed Optimization and Statistical Learning via the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers, Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning,
Chen, Y. (2018), Large-Scale Optimization for Data Science, Lecture Notes,
Coqueret, G., and Guida, T. (2020), Machine Learning for Factor Investing, Chapman and Hall/CRC Financial Mathematics Series,
Parikh, N., and Boyd, S. (2014),
Proximal Algorithms, Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning,
Perrin, S., and Roncalli, T. (2020), Machine Learning Optimization Algorithms & Portfolio Allocation, Chapter 8 of the book
Machine Learning and Asset Management,
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